Author: Improvement Cymru

An offer of partnership – How the new Improvement Cymru Strategy will support patient safety by Iain Roberts, Head of Programmes, Improvement Cymru

In August, I had the satisfying feeling of peeling the plastic cover off a new phone as my company upgraded me.  The new phone is terrific and has some nice features, a better camera, a longer lasting battery and a couple of new apps.  On the face of it, not

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Q Lab Cymru – Providing expertise and creative, collaborative approaches to improvement, by Des Brown, Q Lab Cymru Programme Lead

Anyone who has wrestled with the knotty problem of ‘doing’ improvement may have often found that it is in sharing their view of the problem with others where breakthroughs and insights happen. Sharing our challenges, sharing our thinking, sharing our learning, sharing our frustrations.  Sharing what it is we do

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The importance of staff wellbeing & engagement on patient outcomes and safety by Clinical Lead Nursing, Martine Price

If you could do one thing to enhance the quality of patient or staff experience at work – what would it be? Our staff are central to improving the quality and delivery of safe care. How they experience the culture of the organisation and how they feel about being in

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Celebrating the anniversary of ‘ACTivate Your Life’ free online self-help video course, by Andrea Gray, Mental Health Development Lead for Wales

When the pandemic struck last year, my main focus for many months was helping to think about what we might do to support people who could no longer access support in the community and who, like myself, were finding pretty much every day a challenge in different ways. One of

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Reducing Restrictive Practice in Wales, By David O’Brien & Dr Ruth Wyn Williams, Senior Improvement Managers

Today we welcome the launch of the Reducing Restrictive Practice Framework in Wales by Welsh Government. This framework promotes measures and practices that will lead to the reduction of restrictive practices in childcare, education, health and social care settings. What we mean by restrictive practice The Care Council for Wales

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Pandemic Recovery: Healthcare Priorities for People with Learning Disabilities – the Annual Health Check by Paula Phillips, Senior Improvement Manager, Learning Disability Improvement Cymru

Over the past year we have witnessed unprecedented demands on health services resulting in people having to get used to different ways to access health care. In many instances, routine work needed postponing and physical access to Primary Care became limited. The impact of these changes for people with learning

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