Highlighting collaborative working between the NHS and social care through the Once for Wales Health Profile

By David O’Brien, NHS Executive Wales and Jim Widdett, Social Care Wales In the realm of health and social care, one size does not fit all. This is particularly true when it comes to providing care for adults with a learning disability. Individuals often face unique challenges when accessing services

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What are the key elements of a learning system and how can they help improve patient care?

By Frank Federico, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Frank Federico is a senior patient safety expert and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) faculty. He is a pharmacist by training and has co-chaired many IHI collaboratives. The four pillars of the learning system The learning system supports rapid learning and the use

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Inspiring Project looks to help people waiting for psychological interventions

The period between referral, assessment and being offered an intervention can be a very difficult and anxious time for those awaiting care and for their families. Last year, a collaborative of mental health professionals and third sector colleagues in Wales came together to see if they could find solutions to

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