Our next steps as Improvement Cymru by Prof John Boulton, National Director of NHS Quality Improvement and Patient Safety/Director Improvement Cymru

Throughout the course of the pandemic the team in Improvement Cymru have been deployed to support the response within Public Health Wales. During that time we have supported call centres, health protection cells, analytics, operationalisation of population sampling centres, mobile testing units and improvements in laboratory turnarounds. I am sure

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An update on the Wales Dementia Friendly Hospital Charter, by Sarah Tilsed, Campaigns and Partnerships Manager, National Dementia Action Alliance

Update April 2022: The Dementia Friendly Hospital Charter has now been published We’ve been working in partnership with Improvement Cymru and wider stakeholders to develop the Wales Dementia-Friendly Hospital Charter which will be published later this year.  I’m pleased to provide an update on its progress. The aim of the

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Movement and Mobility, raising awareness of the benefits in increasing your physical activity, by Andrew Clyne, Clinical Falls Practitioner, Hywel Dda University Health Board

The All Wales Dementia Care Pathway of Standards promotes Movement and Mobility as part of Standard 9. The work to produce this standard has been led by Improvement Cymru and partners to promote physical health and mental well-being, after a diagnosis of dementia or mild cognitive impairment.  We know that

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A year on since the first UK lockdown – remembering and looking to the future by John Boulton, Director, Improvement Cymru

Yesterday marked a year since the UK first went into a national lockdown. Since that time, it has been incredibly challenging for all of us. We remember all those who have passed away, lost a family member or a loved one. And our thoughts go out to our NHS colleagues

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How the Once for Wales Health Profile helps improve consistency, safety and timeliness of healthcare for people with learning disabilities, by Paula Phillips, Senior Improvement Manager

As a learning disability nurse, I have witnessed the difficulties faced by people with a learning disability and their families in being able to communicate symptoms of ill health or understand processes when accessing health care systems. I have also witnessed the difficulties that health care staff have in being

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