Gothenburg, IHI, ‘Fika’ and me: Learning from the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

By Dr Rachel Ann Jones C.Psychol AFBPsS, National Learning Disability Programme Lead. There were many powerful messages throughout the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Gothenburg this June. But if I had to summarise the three day conference into one word it is “tillsammans”. A Swedish word,

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Reflections on working with Q Lab Cymru in the first steps to developing a neuropsychiatry model for Wales

By Dr Seth A. Mensah, MB ChB MSc DPM MRCPsych, neuropsychiatrist with consultant responsibility for the Welsh Neuropsychiatry Service.  People who are supported by the Welsh Neuropsychiatry Service represent the most complex in behavioural, emotional and psychiatric need. As a specialist team of neuropsychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists and support workers, our

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People with Learning disabilities and the Health Equalities Framework: COVID-19 recovery in Wales

By Adam Watkins, Senior Information Analyst & Bethany Kruger, Senior Improvement Manager COVID-19 and Health Inequalities (Part 1) Recently we were speaking with a colleague who was sharing her experiences of supporting a young man with a learning disability in the community. Prior to COVID-19, he had lived a good

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The importance of Annual Health Checks (AHC) for people with a learning disability.

By Paula Phillips, Senior Improvement Manager, Learning Disability Improvement Cymru. Over the past two years we have witnessed unprecedented demands on health services resulting in people having to get used to different ways of  accessing health care. In many instances, routine work needed postponing and physical access to Primary Care

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