Category: Learning Disability Improvement Cymru

International Day of Persons with Disabilities | Reducing restrictive practice in Wales

By David O’Brien, Senior Improvement Manager, Learning Disability International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which takes place today (3 December), is backed by the United Nations. This is important because whether they take place on a specific day or over the course of a week or month, having high profile

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A group converse around a table at the All Wales Community of Practice for Behaviours of Concern in September.

Participation, principles, and purpose | Facilitating the All Wales Community of Practice for Behaviours of Concern

By David O’Brien, Senior Improvement Manager I got to enjoy one of the best days of my calendar last month, getting together with over 60 peers at the All Wales Community of Practice for Behaviours of Concern in Llandrindod Wells. It’s a privilege for us in Improvement Cymru’s Learning Disabilities

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Patient Safety Congress lecture hall

Creating a shared National Vision for Children and Young People with a Learning Disability in Wales

By Rebecca Curtis, Senior Improvement Manager, Learning Disability team The Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Congress and Awards take place in Manchester on 16 September 2024 and Improvement Cymru has won three of the 10 categories in the poster competition. As an organisation, we’re very proud to feature not

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Highlighting collaborative working between the NHS and social care through the Once for Wales Health Profile

By David O’Brien, NHS Executive Wales and Jim Widdett, Social Care Wales In the realm of health and social care, one size does not fit all. This is particularly true when it comes to providing care for adults with a learning disability. Individuals often face unique challenges when accessing services

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