How can good teamwork and communication help to deliver safe, reliable and effective care?

By Frank Federico, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Frank Federico is a senior patient safety expert and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) faculty. He is a pharmacist by training and has co-chaired several IHI collaboratives. Healthcare is complex and complicated. There are multiple people involved in delivering care, no matter the

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Engaging patients for patient safety – It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

By Martine Price, Nurse Lead, Improvement Cymru “This patient is non-compliant.” Some time ago, I was part of a pressure ulcer improvement collaborative across many of the wards in the hospital I was working in and this term ‘non-compliant’ kept coming up.  Jane was a lady who had been in

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Psychological Safety – what is it and why is everyone talking about it all of a sudden?

By Benna Waites, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Lead, Improvement Cymru, Joint Head of Psychology Counselling and Arts Therapies, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Psychological safety is a key priority for the Safe Care Collaborative, aiming to create the conditions  for change, fuelling momentum by removing barriers and supporting improvement  across

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Shared language – how can this build improvement?

Rebecca Curtis, Senior Improvement Manager, Improvement Cymru. As a registered social worker working within the NHS since 2017, I can easily draw upon many examples of the challenges which have arisen from not always having a mutual and shared understanding of the language being used, particularly when working and collaborating

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