Momentum – why it matters in improvement and how we can build it.

By Dominique Bird, Deputy Director and Head of Quality Improvement, Improvement Cymru In the journey of healthcare improvement there is one essential ingredient that often determines our success – momentum.  It’s the driving force that propels us forward, enabling us to overcome obstacles and reach our goals. It’s the energy

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A cohort undertaking the Toyota training.

Why a Car Company is Working with Welsh Cancer Teams on the Suspected Cancer Pathway

By Jonathan Clarke, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant, Clinical Lead at Improvement Cymru, and Assistant Medical Director for QI at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. It’s great to see the second cohort of the Suspected Cancer Pathway improvement work, in partnership with Improvement Cymru and the Welsh Cancer Network is

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How can good teamwork and communication help to deliver safe, reliable and effective care?

By Frank Federico, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Frank Federico is a senior patient safety expert and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) faculty. He is a pharmacist by training and has co-chaired several IHI collaboratives. Healthcare is complex and complicated. There are multiple people involved in delivering care, no matter the

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Engaging patients for patient safety – It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

By Martine Price, Nurse Lead, Improvement Cymru “This patient is non-compliant.” Some time ago, I was part of a pressure ulcer improvement collaborative across many of the wards in the hospital I was working in and this term ‘non-compliant’ kept coming up.  Jane was a lady who had been in

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Psychological Safety – what is it and why is everyone talking about it all of a sudden?

By Benna Waites, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Lead, Improvement Cymru, Joint Head of Psychology Counselling and Arts Therapies, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Psychological safety is a key priority for the Safe Care Collaborative, aiming to create the conditions  for change, fuelling momentum by removing barriers and supporting improvement  across

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